
Monday, November 26, 2012

PyTakes for Houdini

Hi everybody,

As I don't really like the hscript command hou.hscript in order to drive takes creation in houdini, I decided to create my own python module for that.
So here is the really first version of the module, you can drive takes creation, remove, setup, etc. by python.

In the help .pdf you can find fonctions already implemented :

How to use:

Just copy the file in "houdini_Install_Dir/houdini/python2.6libs" then in houdini juste import the module as normal python module with "import PyTakes".

Exemple to create a new take called "occlusion" and assign few parameters on this take:

#Import the PyTakes module
import PyTakes as pt

 #Create a new take and change the current take to that new take
pt.createTake("occlusion", change=True)

#Include parameters "shading_quality" and "occlusion_shader" of object "groundGeo" to the current take.
pt.includeParm("obj/groundGeo", ["shading_quality","occlusion_shader"] )

#Include display flag to the current take and set it to "True"
pt.includeDisplayFlag("obj/groundGeo", autoSet=True, value=True)

The script allows list as input for object and parameters:

#Include parameters "shading_quality" and "occlusion_shader" of objects geo1 and geo2 
#If an object or a parameters is not found, it will be skipped ( a warning promps if verbose=True )
pt.includeParm("[obj/geo1",obj/geo2"], ["shading_quality","occlusion_shader"] )

Saturday, October 20, 2012

GJ Maya - Nuke Versioning

Hi all,

I'm working on a new python script which allows the user to increment output folder in maya for versioning.
The script works by Maya project it changes the image output folder according to the version you created / selected in the UI.

The first part of the script is available for testing ( see bellow, in beta ), I'm working on the Nuke side, which will allow the user to update reader nodes according to versions setuped in Maya. More informations soon.

Download the script for Maya ( right clic: Save as )

To use it, open it with script editor in maya. You can drag and drop it on a shelf.


- Creation of "normal" version automatically ( v_00, v_01, v_02, etc. )
- Creation of custom name version
- Delete version / make a new version as current version
- Display the current project name and version in a Head up display

Saturday, August 4, 2012

GJ Text Filter

Hi all,

Here is a new python script for maya : Text Filter.

This tool allows the user to select, hide, delete etc. Objects according to a "Text Filter" ( acting like SideFX Houdini's filter ).

GJ Text Filter v 1.0.0

How to install:

Copy the .py and .ui file in your "userFolder/documents/maya/mayaVersion/scripts"
Open a script editor then in a new python tab type:

import selectByFilter
from selectByFilter import *

Then execute it, you can also drag and drop these lines to a shelves and use the .png icon.

How the Text Filter works with the * char:

  • "*" means all objects
  • "*red*" means all object's with a name including the word red ( "Character_red_01", "reddish_object", "red" etc.)
  • "*blue" means all object's with a name finishing by "blue" ( "Character_blue", "Flower_blue", "blue" etc.)
  • "green*" means all object's with a name starting by "green" ("green_grass","green_land","green")
  • "word" means only the object which has this name ("word")

The background of the text filter field color :

  • Grey if no object matches the filter
  • Light Green if one object matches the filter
  • Green if two or more object match the filter

Other options:

Show and Hide button to hide and show objects by categories, allows also the user to isolate the selected object.

About button to have information about the tool and check update online.

Version History:

4/8/2012, Version 1.0.0:
First Release

Friday, June 8, 2012

Lighting preset beta version

Hi all,

Finally here is my python script "Lighting Preset", it allows you to create presets for your lighting ( All lights, cameras and rendering parameters ), save it to a .xml file, load and share easily from a UI in maya !
Works with maya 2011 - 2012 - 2013

 Version in beta, free for download here :

To use it, you can either install the shelf in the .zip :

Copy the .mel as well as the .png file in your shelves and icons folder for instance on windows:


You will have a nez shelf "GJ_Tools" with the lighting preset ("lp") icon.

Or dowload the python script and open it with the script editor: Light Preset Python Script


The script should work on Windows, Mac and Linux, but I cant check version for mac and linux, if someone has a problem just give me a shout, thanks !

Many options available as :

- Save all lights or only selected lights
- Save only rendering parameters
- Save cameras ( Normal cameras only for now )
- Save perspective view in the preset toggle
- Save all presets in the same folder by default to reduce useless manipulations
- Load a preset from an external .xml file
- Create light objects in your scene directly from the .xml preset file
- UI dockable or not
- 3 Presets groups available
- Save preferences in order to keep options setuped as you want, even if you close maya
More help in Help.pdf

Script still in beta, for any problem, drop me an email !

Version History:

4/08/2012, version 0.4.0:
New option: Save only camera parameters option available when "Save camera param" is ON.

4/08/2012, version 0.3.9:
Minor bug fix: Proper warning message pops when preset is applied to a camera with aim.

25/07/2012, version 0.3.8
Bug fix: Preset file saved with "Only renderer" button works now well on loading.

22/07/2012, version 0.3.6:
New feature: Save / Delete / Edit Preferences file, that saves all options : Folder Path, Only selected, Save perspective, etc. even if you close Maya

21/07/2012, version 0.3.5:
Minor bugs fixed
UI improvements, now 3 groups are available as preset lists, you can rename these groups by a double-clic on the name or by the UI menu.

18/07/2012, version 0.3.0:
MentalRay Sun and Sky now supported
Cameras/ VrayCam can now be saved( See limitations for Vray cam loading)
Options added like: Help => Checking version online, to see if a new version is available or not.
Debug and Warning modes to see more informations during saving, loading and deleting process.
Few bugs fixed.

12/07/2012, version 0.2.5:
MentalRay IBL is now supported
Bug fix: More maya light attributs are now saved
"Display Warning" option added in the UI menu

11/07/2012, version 0.2.0:
Major bug fixed, you don't have to have Vray installed to save a Preset for another renderer.

12/06/2012, version 0.1.0: 
Fix: A proper dialogue pops when you load a renderer preset, asking if you wan to switch to this rendering engine.
Add: "Open preset as text" option in "Presets" menu 

11/06/2012 version 0.1.0:
Fix: "Only Selected Lights" now works fine

09/06/2012 version 0.0.5: 
First release

Sunday, February 26, 2012

GJ CompManage ambiant occlusion fixed

GJ CompManage for Nuke is now on version 0.3, the ambiant occlusion pass is now used correctly.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

GJ Linear shader for Vray and Mentalray ( Maya )

Here are 2 little Python scripts in order to create automatically shaders with 3 texture files ( Diffuse, Reflection Color and Bump ) as well as 2 gamma correction nodes for Diffuse and Reflection Color.

Select a shader and run the script, if you haven't selected any shader the script will ask you if you want to create a new one.

be carfefull, for the moment the shader works only with Vraymtl and Mia_ shader, not with other shaders ( such as SSS, Light etc. )

By default, the script applies a gamma correction at 0.455, if you want to change this value, before executing the script, type in the Python line in the bottom of maya's UI : gamma_value = "your value" and hit enter. The script will use this value until you either change the value again or re-start maya.


Monday, February 13, 2012

GJ Auto Rim Light

Here is a quick gizmo for nuke, in fact, a simplified version of the "AutoRelight" Gizmo, this one allow you to create quicly a rimLight in comp, you just need to plug a point pass and a normal pass in the node, and enjoy !

You can also plug a ambiant occlusion pass as well as an ID pass in order to mask the effect.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

GJ cloud Houdini .otl

Here is a new .otl for houdini, to help the creation of volume effect such as clouds and fog !

Features :

- Noise based volume clouds
- i3d import for density
- 2 levels of noise
- "Fog mode" to create layered fog
- Realtime feedback in the viewport !