
Saturday, June 4, 2011

GJ Rock IT !

I'm working on a new tool : GJ Rock IT ! To help the creation of rocks, ground, etc. proceduraly, of course :)

Here are somes exemples :

(Still work in progress)


V0.2a (New !)

- Some UI changements
- A "Bump map" parameter in "Material settings"
- Now you can use R, G, B as well as luminance of a file as bitmap layer.


- A new layer available : Crackles
- 2 Modes for the voronoise layer : VoroNoise & WorleyNoise
- News object settings : Edges creases override

- "Rotation" Parameter for all noise layers

- 5 noise levels : 2X Perlin noise, Voronoise, Veins, Alligator Noise
- 1 bitmap layer
- 2 displace modes : Object level ( View + Render ) or shader level ( Render only )
- Use as bump ( Render Only )
- Material settings
- Use custom mesh or procedural